Games Night at the Club

Games Night at the Club

This week’s Club night was a Games Night

Now some of you might have been thinking games night was perhaps a quick round of snakes and ladders or draughts, or that the Kurling mat might be rolled out.

Oh no, this Uttoxeter Gateway Club and nothing so predictable as that!

So setting the scene – there was a chair, a small pile of clothes, a bucket, bean bag and a ball. Scene set and instructions issued let the fun and game commence.

I wasn’t sure about who was hiding under a very fetching hat and a bright purple shawl, or that one of our members resembled Little Bow Peep at one point but what I do know is there are enough smiling and laughing faces to show that once again the team had come up with a winning formula for an entertaining night out.

Hang on to those scarfs and gloves, winter is coming but next week we will be warm and cosy at Cinebowl for a quick round of 10 pin bowling.

Until the next time…

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