Easter Bingo

Easter Bingo

Anyone for chocolate?

After the glorious weather on Saturday our Easter weather slowly deteriorated and by Easter Tuesday it was blowing up a storm! Not to be put off our hardy members loyally turned our for the Easter Bingo!

Easter BingoA wonderful selection of goodies awaited them. Our loyal supporters had not disappointed. Huge Thank You to Julia Dixon who passed on the Easter Eggs left over from the Church’s Easter Egg Hunt and to Stramshall ACE too, who kindly donated their spare Eggs from their Easter Trail. It is wonderful to experience the shared support of the local community groups.

Now for serious concentration, eyes down, dibbers at the ready, and we are off! Legs 11, two little ducks 22, Kelly’s eye no 1, unlucky for some 13 but hark the shout goes up and Bingo we have a WINNER! Numbers were called and all too quickly the evening was drawn to a close. But yet again smiles in abundance and lots of chocolatey grins. Who cares what the weather is doing when you have an armful of chocolate, not me that’s for sure!

See you all next week for Curling. 


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