10 Pin Bowling with delicious Cake!

10 Pin Bowling with delicious Cake!

10 Pin Bowling with a special addition – Birthday Cake!

Most months the Gateway Club likes to take our members along to Cinebowl Uttoxeter for a game of 10 pin bowling.
Each month the feedback is very good and our members continue to enjoy this opportunity.
Birthday Cat Cake This week had icing on the cake, literally.  One of our lovely members will celebrate their birthday soon and chose to bring along a lovely home baked Cat Cake to share with all the members, her friends. 
It was this gesture that served as a reminder of the success of the Uttoxeter Gateway Club and the friendships that can be made there. 
I am also part of the members Whatsapp group and it is delightful to see how a new member has been accepted so readily and has integrated with their new friends. Uttoxeter Gateway Club certainly helps these wonderful people. 
Until next time…

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