Uttoxeter Gateway Club Winter 2025 Schedule

7th JanuaryBingo Gateway Style
14th JanuaryBowling at Cinebowl
21st JanuaryInteractive Quiz
28th JanuaryWinter Games
4th FebruaryBowling at Cinebowl
11th FebruaryIn House Disco With Food
18th FebruaryCLOSEDAs we are going to the panto on 20th February, Beauty and the Beast, Denstone Village Hall 7.00, tickets £10, to be purchased before 21st January
20th FebruaryBeauty and the BeastDenstone Village Hall 7.00pm
25th FebruaryAnnies Exercise Class
4th MarchBowling at Cinebowl

Check the website for any last-minute changes to our schedule.
We meet at Wilfred House on Tuesday evenings 6.30 to 8.30, unless otherwise stated
Subs are usually £6.00, correct money is appreciated
Bring money for tuck, correct money is appreciated

Please contact Sue Bloor (suebloor229@gmail.com) for a full programme of events.